Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Updataing blacklist in pfSense from urlblacklist.com

This is a modified procedure to use a local file instead of the blacklist from urlblacklist.com.  This is a modified procedure for Squidguard.  It should be able to go to the website directly and download then update.

From my experience lately either the download doesn't finish, or if it does finish. it doesn't use the full size.  So this modified procedure will use Firefox to download, transfer to a Linux Web server, then let it pull from a local source

  1. Download the file bigblacklist.tar.gz from http://urlblacklist.com/cgi-bin/commercialdownload.pl?type=download&file=bigblacklist 
  2. Use WinSCP to copy to Linux box with web server
  3. Log into Linux box and copy bigblacklist.tar.gz to /var/www
  4. Go to pfSense box and login
  5. Services -> Proxy Filter, find the field blacklist URL, enter http://ipaddress/bigblacklist.tar.gz
  6. Go to the Tab 'Blacklist' click [download]
  7. Wait until complete


Squidblacklist said...

Squidblacklist.org is the worlds leading publisher of native acl blacklists tailored specifically for Squid proxy, and alternative formats for all major third party plugins as well as many other filtering platforms. Including SquidGuard, DansGuardian, and ufDBGuard, as well as pfSense and more.

There is room for better blacklists, we intend to fill that gap.

It would be our pleasure to serve you.


Benjamin E. Nichols

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