Thursday, July 29, 2010

Client Desktop Laptop Hypervisors

It looks like there is a new front for the virtual world, notebook hypervisors. There are two products out there that are touting that you can use a laptop for two images like a corporate / home product or a WinXP / Win 7 product.

No matter what you would be using it for, it looks like there is a new market out there. So far I found two products. Citrix XenClient, which is available for download, and VMware's Mobile Virtual Platform (MVP).

Just to check things out I purchased a second hardrive from my T400 in order to test it. Citrix recommends strongly for XenClient that you have an Intel vPro system, and the Lenovo T400 fits the bill. I will be trying it out and getting back to you.


Jim Thomson said...

Thanks for post!!

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